Creating dialog boxes manually in Visual Studio?

I'm trying to write a small database application for a class assignment, I'm learning about the WinAPI from a website, unfortunately the guy who wrote the tutorials wrote all of his resource files himself... Which is as far as I know is impossible to do in Visual Studio. When I try to create a resource file it brings me to the windows forms/visual resource editor and I can't edit it myself. I have tried to use the windows forms but I can't get some things to work correctly, like layering and overlapped windows.

I need to have an edit box inside of a frame, but when I try to do that in the resource editor the frame active X control overlaps the text box active X control.
Is there a way for me to manually edit the resource file, so that I can be sure the dialog works the way I want it to, and not the way the resource editor wants it to?
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If the resource file is not in your Solution Explorer, put it there and then double-cklic on it. This will open it for editing. You can also just open it from the File menu.
When I double click on it it opens the "Resource View" and depending on it if is empty or not, asks me what kind of resource I want to add.
that is exactly what you want... get the controls out of the controlĀ“s library and drag them onto the dialog... (maybe you need to create one first)...

or do you mean to program the dialog and its controls while using the win32-api?...
I meant editing the text inside the resource file, which is what I ended up doing anyway. Notepad++ even has a syntax highlighter for resource files, I had just wanted to know how to do it inside visual studio.
create them while running? :3
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