Shared dll and static dll


I have created a application using shared dll. But now how do I run the program on a different computer?

If I make it as static dll and run, it gives me a error as " fatal error C1189: #error : Building MFC application with /MD[d] (CRT dll version) requires MFC shared dll version. Please #define _AFXDLL or do not use /MD[d]"

Basically my need is to run the application on a different computer.
What does it mean 'static dll'? I think you mead 'static lib'.
For runing application that linked with shared dll you must have this dll on all computers, where the application is going to run.
I am sorry. Its static library. How do I distribute the dll to other computers?
The first you have to do some reaserch.
Please find out is it standard windows library or not?(I mean that all windows hosts have this library) - in this case you don't need to do anything(but just try to run on different hosts)
If it's not standard library(you built or got it from third party faces) you have to insvestigate your permissions to destrubute this library together with your application.
If library provider allows to distrubute then copy this library in folder where your application is situated.
Thanks Denis. I used vcredist_x86.exe on host computer and put mfc100.dll in the same folder as the application file. It worked. Thanks.
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