GUI beginner!

I want to start windows programming(GUI).

1. How should I begin?
2. What I need to know?

My compiler is Borland C++ 5.02. (windows platform)
Thanks :)
I recommend using the Windows API. You can run it through your compiler with no extra downloads etc.

Here is a great tutorial on setting up the basics.

Hope this helps.
But in the first example compiler shows this error:
Error: Unresolved external '_main' referenced from D:\BC5\LIB\COX32.OBJ

The first example is:
#include <windows.h>
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 
    LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)
    MessageBox(NULL, "Goodbye, cruel world!", "Note", MB_OK);
    return 0;

What's the problem?
Thanks again :)
Isn't this that annoying little issue where the compiler wants to see int main(){...return 0;}? What compiler are you using?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I would use the Win32 API only if you don't plan to code on multiple platforms. Even then, libraries like wxWidgets, Qt, GTKmm are all great C++ options that simplify the process of GUIs, use native widgets, and are all cross platform.

Why did you choose Borland C++ 5.02?
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when I chose It I didn't know anything about C++.
Our teacher gave me a disk that included Borland C++ 5.02.
what should I do now?
thanks :)
the website itself has the solution
Our teacher gave me a disk that included Borland C++ 5.02.
Your teacher ought to lose his/her licence to teach for imparting dangerously outdated notions of what C++ is. That compiler is around thirteen years old.

what should I do now?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Well, its still valid if you wish to stick to the standard of when it was made. Although, a heavy note that there is absolutely no reason to and you should get a more up to date compiler.
our teacher ought to lose his/her licence to teach for imparting dangerously outdated notions of what C++ is.

He introduced it for robocup simulation no for GUI programming.
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