Exploring Crash Dump Analysis for windows?

I am just looking for information about dump file created by windows on crash.
Want to understand its working.
Please share your knowledge about this topic, you can post to it or can give me reference links.
You can debug it by VS.
you can use the windbg application to analyse the crash dump file with the file extension of .dmp which can be found in the "C:\Windows\Minidump\" folder. You should first download the windows drivers kit in order to be able to analyse crash dump files at "http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/WDK/default.mspx". Then you can enter the symbol path from the file menu before you open the .dmp file. symbol path is "SRV*c:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols". At the bottom of the report, it points the possible cause of crash dump. I wish cplusplus.com would let us attach images or else i would post step by step instruction.
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