Shared Memory DLL problem

I'm trying to use a vendor's specific DLL to communicate with a bioreader. I have multiple instances of the same application, each one to communicate with a particular reader. The problem is that the DLL provided uses shared memory and changes made to the shared data are replicated into each application.
Changing the DLL filename to each instance of the could be a solution, but instances of the application are dynamically started.
Is there any way to isolate the memory space of an application to a DLL? In practice i Want to have multiple instances of the same DLL, one for each application, but donĀ“t know how to do it.
Thank you very much for helping me,

Changing the DLL filename will not necessarily change the shared memory mapping name.

Is there any way to isolate the memory space of an application to a DLL?
That's not what is the issue here. Shared memory is mapped by name. The mapping is made at runtime (with MapViewOfFile). The DLL needs to support different names.

BTW, what about synchronisation?
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