When going to compile a DLL, I found errors not relating to what I edited, but instead related to the winnt.h file. Normally, I'd shrug it off and say I included some headers in the wrong order, but when I took a look at the line giving the error:

typedef void * POINTER_64 PVOID64;

I can see that it's not my code that's the problem, but Microsoft's code. I'm assuming it's supposed to be:

typedef void * POINTER_64, PVOID64

But I'm pretty sure that's not right either. Can anyone else verify this error for me? It's at line 236. I'm using Windows SDK 6.0a on Windows 7 64-bit.
What Windows header files are you including and what preprocessor variables do you have defined?
NGen wrote:
I can see that it's not my code that's the problem, but Microsoft's code. I'm assuming it's supposed to be:

typedef void * POINTER_64, PVOID64

No - you need the semi-colon at the end.
I'm using the DirectX 8 SDK for it, and the only directive I have defined is _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. Does it really matter? I'm just wondering if this is something that's only in my winnt.h file. Simple matter of Ctrl+F.

No - you need the semi-colon at the end.

Yeah, I just noticed that. And after changing it to:

typedef void * POINTER_64, *PVOID64;

It compiled fine.
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