drawing shaps??

hi all! can anyone plz tell me or give me a hint on how to create shapes on c++?
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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
1) Spell correctly. This is a forum, not your instant messenger.
2) There is no standard way to create shapes in C++. If that's what you're learning C++ for, then you have the wrong idea of C++.

3) Look into 2D programming with OpenGL (or DirectX) or use a software render(er) via SFML, SDL_graphics, and/or a few others (or create your own, google is your friend).
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Drawing shapes is definitely in the category of operating system specific. Since this is the Windows forum, I'll add to computerquip's list direct Windows Api calls involving the Windows GDI (Graphic Device Interface). For example, Rectangle().
2) There is no standard way to create shapes in C++. If that's what you're learning C++ for, then you have the wrong idea of C++.

What's the idea of C++, then? I know it's not about making images and animations, I think...

sorry if this is reviving an old topic, I don't know where to post this where it would be topical :P

C++ is a general purpose programming language. You can use it for virtually anything, and ideally you can use the same code on any operating system. However, the ideals didn't stop people from making OS-dependant code. All well.

And if you wanted to know what C++ was meant to do, then post it in the Beginners forum, rather than revive an ancient thread. I'm sure one of our top-notch insane geeks who debate about whether stdio.h is better than iostream.h will answer it promptly before getting back to the debate.

Welcome to the forum.

there is a sample program on how to draw shapes here: http://cplusplus.com/forum/general/22425/

just copy & paste then compile
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