Not a member error

This error is appearing in the log:

1>c:\documents and settings\user\meus documentos\visual studio

2008\projects\iradoogrep3\inputmanager.cpp(91) : error C2039: 'numJoySticks' : is not a member of

1> c:\arquivos de programas\ogresdk\include\oisinputmanager.h(31) : see declaration of


But I checked the files and do not know what to do. Below the parts of the problem in two files.

File InputManager.cpp

if (mInputSystem->numJoySticks() > 0) { // LINE 91
//mJoysticks.resize( mInputSystem->numJoySticks() );
mJoysticks.resize( mInputSystem->numJoySticks() );

File OISInputManager.h

namespace OIS
class _OISExport InputManager
{ // LINE 31
static unsigned int getVersionNumber();

static const char* getVersionName();

static InputManager* createInputSystem( std::size_t winHandle );

static InputManager* createInputSystem( ParamList &paramList );

virtual const std::string& inputSystemName() = 0;

static void destroyInputSystem(InputManager* manager);

virtual int numJoySticks() = 0; // MAYBE THE PROBLEM HERE

virtual int numMice() = 0;

virtual int numKeyBoards() = 0;

What could be this error?
NOTE - the error does not happen in members numKeyboard() and not in numMice().

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virtual <storeage/return type> identifyer = 0; //Pure Virtual Call.

This means that the derived class must define it as:

<storage/return type> identifyer;

So you are calling the base class directly or a derived class that has not implemented the member object.

Hi Etienne, is ok. I even find the error.
The problem was that my var "numJoySticks()" in OISInputManager.h file was decleared like this "numJoysticks".
So I change the letter s to S.
Is a simple problem of string that I should pay attention when you write the code.

Thx for the answer.
I was even going to suggest the problem was something like that...

but since you pasted code that indicated that wasn't the problem, I didn't speak up =P (note your "paste" of OSIInputManager.h has numJoySticks spelled correctly)
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