C++ with .exe

I was wondering about how I can apply what I have learned in C++ to make an .exe file. I really would appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank You,
yep. if you are a windows user i think you should get VC++ Express http://www.microsoft.com/express/vc/ since its good and free. :) it's very easy to compile and run your program as a console app or window app if you like. there are alot of other features, but i guess you dont need use them if you're new.
I know if you Save a text document with .exe after it it will save as an application, I'm not sure if it will run C++ code but its worth a try.
It won't
Zach wrote:
I know if you Save a text document with .exe after it it will save as an application

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closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Since you can't visually write machine code, it will never be possible to natively execute a hand written application without being compiled first (or interpreted but that's not native execution. Compiling something doesn't make it a native program necessarily ).

I suggest that you read the basics of programming first, what the difference between different languages are, and possibly find an easier (or more difficult) and begin with that first. When you begin to get a familiar feeling with your environment and you think you know the basics of common programming, you can really learn anything you want, including ASM to bash. It takes devotion and most likely (especially for ASM), a lot of time.
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Since you can't visually write machine code
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Sure what?
Don't tell all those old school assembler programmers that they cant write code :)
LOL @Jahmbo

Assembler, not to be confused with assembly, IS machine code, it used to be punched out into cards and fed to an analog reader to program the computer. Debugging was a bitch, it was all binary, and nothing was easy....ahh the good old days. :P (My source? My dad was a computer science major in the 1970s :P one of VERY few at the time I might add.
Thanks to you all... any tips to get me started on this?
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