need some, basic winaip guidelines

Hello, c++ programmer here that has never really had the need for the win api. I have used it here and there but never got a good book on the subject and dont have that option for this project I'm working on.

That being said, I'm sorry that I dont have much of a clue here, and I do know how that can be frustrating. However my goal is relatively simple to explain and I would "think" not to hard to write, yet I can't figure it out.

I'm working with a DLL interfacing winamp. I have access to the win api and have not included any sort of sdk. So I'm stuck hunting for the functions I need to make it work.

What I do know.. I have the window name that I need. I can use SetFocus and it works fine. However with in this window I have a list box, or at least I think that's what it is.
Here is a screen shot of two views its has

I use spy++ to get the name of the list box and its called "SysListView32". and the nIDDlgItem is labeled "IDC_ALBUMLIST" ( I know this from the code ) .

What I want to do. Simple really. The list box has a highlight and a cursor. The highlight follows what is clicked on and the cursor is whats playing( being used ). I want to tell the highlight to move the the cursor at the given point I tell it to. The reason I want this is , when a song plays the highlight stays behind. As a glance it looks like the wrong album is playing. This applicatio is in a car, so its imperative that the highlight is what is playing.

I have tried all kinds of things like:

SetDlgItemTextA( FindWindow("SysListView32",NULL),IDC_ALBUMLIST, "test1");
SendDlgItemMessage( FindWindow("SysListView32",NULL) ,IDC_ALBUMLIST, LB_SETCURSEL, 2, 0 );

etc.. but nothing changes it.

So any help would be great.

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