Win32 program Link error: LNK2019

Hi folks,

I want to know how to compile Win32 program using MS 32-bit C/C++ Compiler (cl.exe) of Visual Studio 2008 professional. But I got the LNK2019 error (unresulved external simbol__imp__MessageBoxA) when compiling the following code (Simple.c) with "cl Simple.c" command:

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
	MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Goodbye, cruel world!"), TEXT("Note"), MB_OK);
	return 0;

What was wrong with it? (In VS 2008 IDE, the above code does compile, but from VS 2008 command window it does not.)
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You're not linking with user32.lib
Then how can I link it with user32.lib? kbw, can you show me the command? Thank you.
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cl -W4 g.cpp -l user32.lib

Remeber to run the appropriate vsvars.bat in your console before running cl. If you're doing this in Visual Studio, the include/lib paths, libraries and so on are already setup in the project by the wizard.
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Hey man make it clear. I have same problem.
Yap.I got the answer.Write
<code>#progma comment(lib,"user32.lib");</code>
after<code> #include<windows.h></code>
If you're using the IDE, add it to the linker section. If should be set up by default, not in your code.
kbw's answer solved my problem as follows:
(1) launch Visual Studio 2008 Command Window;
(2) cl Simple.c user32.lib // Simple.c being my win32 program I originally posted at the top of this thread
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