
please suggest me a good book for C++ win32 programming I know console programming and I want a good new(2007,2008) book for win32.
Hello, mzd72! If you check the recent posts here you'll find quite a lot of references and links concerning the learning of Win32 Api coding. Personally, I don't know much about ebooks, but many Win32 coders learned from Charles Petzold's Programming Wondows books. His last book on the Api and Win32 coding was published around 2000 or so, but is still valuable and relavant. I'd recommend it. The book teaches the underlying fundamentals and theory. That hasn't really changed.
I see but i didn't find links and Charlez Petzold is old please tell me a good new books
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any body

there are many free ebooks for many programming languages..., they also list forums, source codes, compilers etc...

should be what you are looking for...
I believe there are some recently published books on Windows Api coding, but they are all very advanced books not suitable for a beginner. Back around the late nineties is when the various introductory material was published. Petzold's was far and away the most successful.

In the fast changing computer world it seems hard to believe that anything older than 1 year old has relavancy, but in terms of learning the Windows Api, that old stuff is still relavant, at least in my opinion.

Another issue that beginners seem to note is that the material is in C instead of C++. The fact of the matter is that Windows and Unix and Linux were all written in C, or C and Asm, or at least so I've read. So their lowest level interfaces are decsribed in C. Due to the pretty good compatability betreen C and C++, you can usually compile Sdk style C programs in C++ without much trouble. However, for a beginner, if you are working with tutorial type material and its in C, its probably best to compile it that way. Then later, when you get a better grasp of the material, recompile in C++. I always use C++ because I usually want to include my String class, as well as other classes useful to me. However, creating windows and the GUI in general using the C Api functions presents no problem.
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