Hi. How to find id text "123" (this parameter is a id product) into parameter "Sxs@123@aa". This parameters is BSTR.
Thanks kbw, but wcsstr is to static text,no? .Can i show me a littel sample code,please??. Thanks,thanks and thanks for your help.
Thanks for your reply. But muy problem is than souce_text not is static, is dynamic parameter. Example:
BSTR found(BST code_id) // scd@123@s or xsd@4562222@d ,...
BSTR source_text = (code_id); --->first my problem
BSTR search_text = L"@";
//1-. find first of
start = find_first_of.....
//2-. find las of
end = find_last_of....
//3-. substring (source_text,start,end)
//4-. And use this substring for a select.
Can i help me for this big big problem??
Thanks, very thanks.
Sorry! I wasn't able to express myself very well!
The question is:
I have a function which the enter parameter type is BSTR. For example: Sxs@123@aa.
1) I would like to know how I can get "123" when "123" is a non static text, it is a code ID.
2) Once I get or find this code ID, how can I return this code ID to a BSTR or _bstr_t?
Please, can somebody help me with this question? And can somebody send me an example?
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