Pools<thread and memory pools>

Hello, I have been learning more about the great C++ language and Windows API, i passed across thread pools and memory pools a bit, and they really look great, i was wondering however, is there any thread pool implementation in the WIN API? or do I have to create my own thread pool implementation? Same question goes for memory pools.
Thanks in advance. :)
Windows has memory pool functions HeapAlloc/HeapFree... See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366711(VS.85).aspx

For more general (platform independent) solutions, boost is a good place to start.

These are just memory pools however.
Great, thanks that will do the job :)
What about thread pools? Is there any implementation, I would use .NET Framework's ThreadPool class but for once I want to get out of the managed box.
Thanks in advance.
never mind I found some great articles at msdn.
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