Font Problems, Or Not?

I have a freeware app that a number of people have used without any problem, but two people have reported that they are getting little square boxes at the end of the text in a listbox, and in an edit control.

I am thinking that this is probably some kind of font problem, but I'm not sure. When I open one of the files in Word, there are no extraneous characters, nor when I copy/paste from the listbox are there any extraneous characters.

As I say, only two people have reported this issue, but before I start trying to figure out what it is, I thought I'd ask here to see if anybody has any ideas what it might be.

You can go here --

to download the program. It's called BOSS, and the four additional files that are included with it will allow you to use the program, as it is a program that is supposed to work with another program.

Anyway, if you have any ideas what this might be, pleasse let me know.
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