Game programming with Visual C++, MFC and TCP, UDP and Socket API

Hello everyone,

I have to do programming to make a small, straightforward game operating over a LAN

network. I think I should use Visual C++ and MFC libraries from Microsoft, because it's easy to

learn and use. Dealing with some network programming concepts such as TCP, UDP and some

Socket API is also essential.

I have no background in gaming and network programming. So, I face some difficulties.

Can you please give me some simple sample games source codes such as hangman, bingo,

puzzle etc., with or without networking, for me to get familiar with.
I appreciate projects built with MS Visual C++ 2005/2008. But any advices are invaluable!

Thank you for any help.

Tanya -
Do You really think the MFC is way easier - especially in game programming?...
And Do you believe that u will learn how to do game programming by only reading sample code fragments? O_o...

since u are in the windows part of this forum i suggest u to go to the msdn -> network -> protocols -> windows socket 2 ... there You will find basics and sample codes for network programming using UDP and TCP...

also go to

try make an tic-tac-toe... without network-capabilities, first... if it works step forward to TCP and try to integrate network-support using it...
then try to create your bingo, hangman, etc... (good ideas btw)... and after that i would suggest you thinking about an graphical implementation...

<--- well... this is only from my point of view and how i did try it... i hope this helps a bit...

if you encounter problems in your own codings or understanding code, come back , post the code (IN CODE TAGS) ... and we try our best :)...
I have to do programming to make a small, straightforward game operating over a LAN

Why do you have to do this? someone holding a gun to your head?
may want to read this:

Thank Incubbus for your suggestion, i'm reading your links now, the web is what I want to find-out! It's really useful :)

Thank gcampton, your post make me laugh a lot :D

"someone holding a gun to your head?" yeah, i have an assignment and i'm in a terrible condition now, very tired of what I don't want to do. -> this link is fairly funny but it is not very relevant to my problem. Anyway, thank you, any suggestion is really good!
These are a couple of old bits of code I made ages ago thrown together. You may possibly want to have a look at them. Sorry if they are no help though :)

They are nothing special - And don't mind my new syntax highlighter I'm working on. It's a little iffy and hates IE :)
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