Can't run my program on another machine

I built my program using vs2008 and have been trying to deploy program on another machine(xp) and got "This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect."

Been trying to follow the instructions on how to deploy programs on other machines:

Is it a good or bad idea to deploying using shared assemblies? I didn't think it would be good so I was trying to deploy as private assemblies. Tried following the instructions below Deploying Visual C++ library DLLs as private assemblies, which was really only create a folder and then copy two folders containing dlls to the filesystem of my executable. However, I am still getting this error.

Help is appreciated!
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For simple programs it may work if you turn on: mfc static linkage in your project settings (even if it has not to handle the MFC - but it works for me O_o )...
I had the same problem a while ago with a program I wrote. What I did was change the compiler settings. Go to Build -> Configuration Manager -> Then change the Active Solution Configuration from Debug to Release from the dropdown-menu. It worked for me if I recall correctly. But I'm sure there are more things that can give you the same error so I don't guarantee you that this will work for you as well.

EDIT: Phew, I'm still a bit sleepy I guess. You can also just change Debug to Release from the dropdown-menu on the standard toolbar. (Atleast if you have that enabled) It's right next to the green 'Start debugging' arrow. If you dont have this enabled you can enable it by going to View -> Toolbars -> Standard.
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