2D graphics

I have to do a project for school and it involves 2D graphics. I wish to make a small game and need an efficient way to work with images: collision detection, animation and such.
For Windows, what library do you recommend? I've considered GDI+ and Direct2D, but both are a bit low-level.
I would recommend SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) I have been learning it lately and the lazyfoo website has some amazing tutorials on how to get programming with it- of course you could also use openGL if you wanted to get a little more involved but for a school project I think that SDL would be the way to go.
If you want to have any form of image rotation in your game you'll probably want to look at openGL as well. But openGL can be a little overwhelming when you first learn it. If I was you I'd start with SDL. And as ultifinitus said - take a look at www.lazyfoo.net
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