Gui Library Suggestion

Pages: 123
thanks moorecm.

please give me link about ubuntu, specially about how to flag a file to be executable. and yeah i know ubuntu is a specific distro, i also have puppy linux. my main goal here is to understand the platform to develop programs, and to test wxWidgets on windows and ubuntu.

though i'm not a hardcore programmer, i'm have about 3 months c++ experience. installing programs in ubuntu is a pain to me, almost every program needs command line interface to setup. but others have scripts included. i'm confuse right now.
@ freddie:

Thanks for the offer, but yeah I'm not really that interested anymore. There's probably a way to do it with SetWindowLong or something like that. But meh. I'll let the widget libs worry about such details.
For information about file permissions just check out google--try searching for 'linux file permissions'. The command that changes file mode (permissions) is called chmod.
Edit: for information about the file structure:

I want to clear these questions up, because the answers I've read above weren't very good, with the exception of moorecm's, which I'd like to expand on.

-does ubuntu use registry? if not what does it use then? i've read it does not.

No. The windows registry was made (IIRC) as an attempt to remove the need for the tumultuous amounts of .ini files stored all over the place. Linux uses the UNIX filesystem hierarchy which negates the need for a massive database, because everything has a specific place to go. Programs tend to use /etc/<program>/ for any permanent configuration files.

As an example, stores these files in /etc/X11:

moorecm wrote:
/boot contains the boot loader

/boot also stores the zipped kernel binary (usually /boot/vmlinuz) and the initial ramdisk (usually /boot/initrd.img).

-does it use environment variables?

Yes. For example, the PATH variable, among others.

-compilers? i've read there's already one in ubuntu, where is it?

Most distributions of Linux come with various packages (GNU coreutils and GNU binutils, among others) so you can use it without installing them afterwards. Yours is almost certainly /usr/bin/gcc

-how does ubuntu recognize installed programs if it does not use registry?

Programs can put their binary files in one of
/bin: programs necessary for everyday use by all users
/sbin: programs for use by the system
/usr/bin: other programs that aren't essential, but are still used very commonly

All of those are in your PATH variable. Basically what happens when you type a command is this:
1. Read "command"
2. Read the next directory from the PATH variable
3. If "command" is in "directory":
        execute command
        jump to 2

As for the other two, I can't expand on moorecm's answers.
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thanks again, i found out sometimes searching google is better if you know the magic keyword.
is it me, or is this a lot of Linux talk for the Windows forum?


I'm not complaining, I just thought it was funny
well that's because we are already talking about cross platform library, just like a c++ forum that sometimes turn to java talk.

yeah it's funny.
I thought we were improving your meager Windows forum :)

I joke; I noticed that too, but hey...
but hey...
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Pages: 123