Infinite do{} while(); loop problem

I'm trying to write a program that reads input from the user and then performs math on it, using spaces for to seperate the strings such as 1 + 1. I want the user to enter a q or Q to exit the program but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

do {

cout << "Enter a simple expression. Use spaces for seperation: ";
cin >> firstOperand >> mathSymbol >> secondOperand;
cout << endl;

maxIndex = ( firstOperand.size() + 1);

for ( index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++ ){
if ( firstOperand[index] == '.' ){
stringIsFloat = true;

if ( stringIsFloat == true ){
firstFloatOperand = atof ( firstOperand.c_str() );
secondFloatOperand = atof ( secondOperand.c_str() );

else {
firstIntOperand = atoi ( firstOperand.c_str() );
secondIntOperand = atoi ( secondOperand.c_str() );

if ( mathSymbol == '+' ){
if ( stringIsFloat == true){
answerFloat = firstFloatOperand + secondFloatOperand;
else {
answerInt = firstIntOperand + secondIntOperand;

if ( mathSymbol == '-' ){
if ( stringIsFloat == true){
answerFloat = firstFloatOperand - secondFloatOperand;
else {
answerInt = firstIntOperand - secondIntOperand;

if ( mathSymbol == '/' ){
if ( stringIsFloat == true){
answerFloat = firstFloatOperand / secondFloatOperand;
else {
answerInt = firstIntOperand / secondIntOperand;

if ( mathSymbol == '*' ){
if ( stringIsFloat == true){
answerFloat = firstFloatOperand * secondFloatOperand;
else {
answerInt = firstIntOperand * secondIntOperand;

if ( mathSymbol == '%' ){
if ( stringIsFloat == true){
answerFloat = 0;
else {
answerInt = firstIntOperand % secondIntOperand;

if ( stringIsFloat == true ){

cout << firstOperand << " " << mathSymbol << " " << secondOperand
<< " = " << answerFloat << endl;

else {

cout << firstOperand << " " << mathSymbol << " " << secondOperand
<< " = " << answerInt << endl;

stringIsFloat = false;


while ( firstOperand[0] != 'Q' || firstOperand[0] != 'q');
while ( firstOperand[0] != 'Q' || firstOperand[0] != 'q');


while (firstOperand[0] != 'Q' && firstOperand[0] != 'q')
{Do your code here}

hope this helps
sorry didnt realise it was a do-while loop

just change the <|| or> to a <&& and>

im not sure what you have your array declared as, but i had the same problem a few days ago with an infinite while loop.

its because i was trying to input a number, i had it declared as a double, and i was using cin

and when i put in a character it spazzed and went nuts lol, and the solution is either to reset the cin input buffer, orr

the way i went about doing it was, declared the input variable as string initially,

then use getline to save the input in the variable, then i converted the string to an integer and did my calculations.

and it works flawlessly.

Hope this helped.

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I'm afraid a lot of us probably avoided this post for the following reasons:

1) Bad code formatting
2) No ["CODE"] tags used.
3) Long and extended code without pointing out the code in question which also may relate to code formatting and code tags.
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