Trouble with loading Custom Cursor/.cur file.

Hello everyone I'm having trouble compiling a .cur file in VC++ 08. What I'm doing is creating a custom cursor in "XN Resource Editor" and then saving it to a .cur file. Then, I switch back to VC++ 08 and create a "Resource.h" header file and define the cursor's identifier and constant. From there, I right-click "Resource Folders" in the solution explorer and select "Add" and then "New Item" and creat another file named "Resource.rc" <-notice the '.rc' extension. After I have created the main Resource file, I include the "Resource.h" header file and represent the Cursor's identifier, CURSOR, and the file name in which I created and saved my newly created cursor(in this case, "Cursor.cur"). Finally, I include the "Resouce.h" header in my 'main' .cpp file.

// MAIN.cpp //
MyWindow.hCursor = LoadCursor(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_MyCursor));

// Resource.h //

#define IDC_MyCursor 1000

// Resource.rc //
#include "Resource.h"


"Cursor.cur" // located under Resource Files on Solution Explorer

// Solution Explorer //
--Header Files--

--Resource Files--
Cursor.cur // Not sure if the problem. though, don't know a way around it... //

--Source Files--

Compiler:: Microsoft Visual C++ Express Edition 2008
Compiler Error:: error RC2135 : file not found: Cursor.cur

The reason I decided to show you guys the Solution Explorer was because I'm not sure if by adding the Cursor.cur file would be the problem. Also, the Resource Editor I use "XN Resource Editor" wanted to default the saved Cursor to .RES instead of .cur extension, so I manually changed it to .cur . Doubt that would make a difference, though I'm not positive. And one last thing, On the solution explorer above, the Cursor.cur file displays a blank white page for its Icon (also unsure if that makes a difference) I haven't worked with Resource files much so I'm unsure.

So yeah, I hope I detailed my situation clear enough. If not, feel free to let me know. Any help/suggestions would be a definate help guys :D

Thanks in advance,

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