Hello, i want to change my program, now my program work like a charm, but for one action i have one form and i want to make MenuStrip and use menu for selecting action, one menu, one form, but when i click menu and call form, then i see another form and i want to see this form inside this MenuStrip Form. It's possible?
aaah nevermind :D i change ismdicontainer to loginscreen form, not for menustrip form :D
but one question, how can i make login, and after login to display next form inside this one? when i include form1.h in form2.h and in form2.h include form1.h i get error.
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private: System::Void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e) {
Datapacket^ dp = dynamic_cast<Datapacket^>(e->UserState);
HlavneMenu^ hlavnemenu = gcnew HlavneMenu();
MenuStrip^ menu = gcnew MenuStrip(); //i dont know what i need to do with this
if (dp->val_loginresult == "success")
hlavnemenu->UserId = dp->val_reader->GetString(0);
hlavnemenu->Meno = textBox1_username->Text;
hlavnemenu->mConnection = dp->val_connection;
button_prihlasSa->Text = dp->val_reader->GetString(0);
pictureBox1->Visible = false;
I need to show after successfully login form with name hlavnemenu in container, what i need to do please? Thanks a lot :)
Nevermind, i got another solution and now i need only one help, how can i check if form1 is opened, and if isn't opened, then open new form->Show() and if is opened, then do nothing. This not work