Hello again :)
I need help with one code, i want to make website checker for my websites in work when a site is online, or get some error code, for example 500 etc. How can i get this code as response in C++? This is all i want, then i can make full code alone :)
and how can i set a label text or parse string to progresschanged event? i know how to set int, its progressvalue or percentagevalue, but now i need a string like "OK", "ConnectionClosed" etc
For example i want check statuscode in background and when status code is OK, then set label to OK, when it's not OK, then set label to "Problem with website" for example.
only what i think i can do, is parse status code as progresspercentage and in progresschanged make if's, when e->progresspercentage is 200, then set label to OK
yea i fix it, in post i make EDIT, thanks a lot :)
and about background worker, why i dont have loop when i make this, i change button text(for check if numbers go up), but i see only '1' and nothing more, not 2 not 3 etc
i try without Thread::Sleep(5000) or with it, same problem