Hello, i need to parse one string or textbox to another form, but don't know how. Goal is i need this for locking button(disable button) when column in mysql != "specific string", i have login, after succesfully login user can see and use menu form and here i need specify when user mysqlspecificcolumns != "specific string" then make button->Enabled=false; but for this i need parse this string with loginname to SELECT ..FROM..WHERE name="specificstring" entered on first form (LoginScreen.h). i put code of this two forms(i have more but only this i need now) and when someone can help me, i've be really grateful.
And another question, when i include on form second form2 (#include "Form2.h) for example, then i can switch between forms with (this->hide(); form->Show()), but when i include on Form2 the first one(#include "Form1.h") the i see 5 errors with "form is undeclared, etc", how to fix this? thanks
<HlavnaObrazovka.h> - Menu(here when i include first loginscreen form, then i have errors like on this screnshot: http://prntscr.com/b0xula)
I need parse string with priority number one, string name or String^ username from LoginScreen.h to HlavnaObrazovka.h. This is a started project for managing my gaming portal and this is utility for admins, first time doing CLI, everytime i make only console applications with mysql, etc.
Hello, one plus question, can you please explain what error is this? I making file explorer where user need to find specific exe application and then form copy path string and use it to copy other files to directories in this folder where exe is located. when i make code and press button, i see this error http://prntscr.com/b1aei6 thanks a lot :)