
closed account (DL30RXSz)
I'm looking for a good tutorial for the Windows API in which the code will actually compile in the latest version of visual studio. Any good ones?

Also is Windows API still the best way to program for windows in C++?
Try this: http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/

Define "Best"
closed account (DL30RXSz)
Looks like a good tutorial. What I really meant is, is it still a good, practical way of programming for windows, or are there more modern methods of doing GUIs and such?
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
A common method is too use a cross-platform library such as GTK+ or even wxWidgets. There are still people who code directly with WinAPI though to minimize size and overhead that are generated by libraries although this is argumentative. It's up to you.
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Simple, easy to grasp -> http://www.functionx.com/win32/
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Some folks call it Win32, others Sdk; its still my favorite way to code Windows. I use both C++ and PowerBASIC and code both languages exactly the same for the exact reasons given by computerquip. I've recently put some beginning tutorial programs with lots of explanations here....


I've tested them all with C++ 9 Pro (VS 2008), but that's not my favorite development environment. I prefer CodeBlocks. Faster, less ponderous. Also free.
I've just seen http://www.winprog.org/tutorial/ thx drchill for this tutorial
No problem :)
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