Sockets for a site?

Well, I used to script in mIRC and I was able to make a socket script that would basiclly connect through HTTP, using port 80 to a site and return a value that I tell it to from the source of the page

So what I am wondering is how in c++ I can prompt the user to enter a word, than my program would get the definition from and return the def to the user.
First off, go find out how the headers and stuff are handled
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You just need to know how finds requests. If it uses GET requests, then you can just issue a GET.

In fact, I just checked. All you need to do is download<word> and parse the HTML to find the definitions.

In pseudo-code:
take input from user
check it's a word (if it's more than one word, you could either just take the first word, or if you want to be really impressive, do a different search for each one)
download e.g.
read the HTML file and look for the definition

Or you could download the page and then render it... but that would be a lot harder.
Can someone explain more......Like a example of the code
what of the above steps is unclear?...
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