I would like to the screen size of window part that has scroll bars

for example, in microsoft visual 2008 you can create multiple windows inside MS visual. What i want is to get the coordinates of these childwindows. I know that getclientwindow gets me the window size without the frame. Is there a function similar to that, that does what i want?
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sorry that function doesnt work.

Putting my question into one sentence: How do I get active child window?

I have just tried using ChildWindowFromPoint which satisfies my requirement. However, when the mouse leaves that child window to the next child window, the hwnd changes but the new child window is not technically active from user's point of view.
You said you wanted to get the window SIZE. If that is what you truly want, then GetWindowRect() is EXACTLY what you need.

If you are trying to get the coordinates -- not the SIZE -- of the child window relative to the parent window, then you can enumerate the child windows and keep track of which one you are interested in.

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