Q /
read words from the user and store it in array. It stops when the user enters "End". Concatenate the words together and print it in one line. The maximum length of array is 30.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Words(30) As String
Dim WordCount As Integer = 0
Dim Input As String = ""
While (WordCount < 30 AndAlso Input <> "End")
Input = InputBox("Enter Word " & CStr(WordCount), "Input")
If Input = "End" Then
Exit While
Words(WordCount) = Input
WordCount = WordCount + 1
End If
End While
Label1.Text = String.Join(" ", Words, 0, WordCount)
End Sub
End Class
The project is the application of a cafe
We have 6 form
1 - Welcoming
2. Selection of drinks and cuisine
3. beverages
4. Food
5. Read the books and newspapers
6. contain Basket
how can I show the order in last form
for example: