Macro names must be identifiers

I'm getting this error when I try to run a program that simply creates a window making a Driect3D object to paint it. Code is in "Show Code" tab at bottom of page here:

The error I'm getting is
1:1 C:\Users\...\C\DX\<command line> macro names must be identifiers

I don't see how that error is relevant to my code at all. Though I do add "-lgdi32.lib -D3D9.lib" to my compiler (I use Bloodshed Dev-C++). Whats the problem?
The only thing that seems suspect is:

[code]// include the Direct3D Library file
#pragma comment (lib, "d3d9.lib")[/quote]

Since pragma could cause weird stuff to occur...try removing that line if you can.
didn't seem to help. Same error
"-lgdi32.lib -D3D9.lib"

i Think you might need to change your command line to

"-lgdi32.lib -lD3D9.lib"

so that D3D9.lib is recognized as a library input file
have never used Bloodshed but hope this will help
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