Win32 Project in Microsoft Visual Studio

Hey guys,
I want to accomplish the following project in win32 api.
I would be grateful for any help!

• After loading, program checks for bitmaps (.bmp files) in users My Pictures directory (system directory), and displays first found image on form. Program has no menu.
• Program has three buttons (that are disabled if no bmp files were found), Next (>), Previous (<)and Set. Clicking next button displays next bitmap, clicking Previous displays previous bitmap (in cycle, co if we encounter last bitmap, next we display first).
• Set button sets selected image as wallpaper
• Program displays tray icon, double-clicking it quits program
• Checks how much memory it uses (current Working Size) every 100 miliseconds, and displays information in window name.
• Program does not respond to minimize, maximize and close, can only by shutdown using tray icon

If you know where can I get the source code or any helpful info, please let me know.
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