Getting the Temperature of CPU

Well, what else is there to say? I want to be able to monitor my CPU temps during a stress-testing program to see how hot it gets when overclocked. I can't find anything on the MSDN or through Google, so I need some help figuring this out.

And no, I don't just want to use some program someone else made. I'd prefer to use the console, since it's small and simple.
Well, according to the AMD cpuid specification, you can use the cpuid instruction to find out the current temperature of the cpu die.
first link (a direct link is too large).

In the .pdf file, it's page 19. I'm not sure if that's something to do with identifying the ts, or reading it's value, though. Sorry if I'm wrong.
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I'm assuming this is for ASM?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
There is a Windows Management Instrumentation1 (WMI) class (Win32_TemperatureProbe2) that may be of use (I have not used it).

you can use inline assembly in C or C++ (or in Pascal if you want), but yes, cpuid is an assembly instruction.
Sorry for not replying, I've been busy.

I don't know ASM. So that isn't of much use to me.

It looks like I might have to find some DLL, or ask someone who's made a temperature monitor about how they did it. Hopefully ASM won't be involved.
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