Changing File Attributes using the MS C RTL

Hi all;

I'm trying to find a function from within the Microsoft Run-Time Library
for changing the attributes for a given file. Specifically, the attributes
that follow:
Archive. Set whenever the file is changed and cleared by the BACKUP command. Value: 0x20.

Hidden file. Not normally seen with the DIR command, unless the /AH option is used. Returns information about normal files and files with this attribute. Value: 0x02.

Normal. File has no other attributes set and can be read or written to without restriction. Value: 0x00.

Read-only. File cannot be opened for writing and a file with the same name cannot be created. Value: 0x01.

Subdirectory. Value: 0x10.

System file. Not normally seen with the DIR command, unless the /A or /A:S option is used. Value: 0x04.


I am able to get the above attributes using the _find functions
(findfirst and findnext):

Now that I have them, I want to be able to change them.

The function "chmod" doesn't cover all of the above attributes.

The system command "Attrib" does cover all of the attributes that
I would like to change.

I could use the methods within the System::IO namespace of the
.NET Framework, and I will do that if I have no other alternative.

My question is: Does anyone know of any alternatives?

What about system services interrupts?
(I am not afraid to code in assembly language.)


Forget that. Use the Platform SDK function SetFileAttributes.

Hi kbw;

This is what I have had to do.

I'm surprised that there are no RTL functions for doing this.

Thanks for the response!!!
There are not standardized in the C/C++ RTL because file attributes are file system specific.
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