How can I inhibit that the standard popupmenu appears?

closed account (48bpfSEw)
Hello! I am using third party VCL controls which has are using the standard text control. If I mark text an click on the right mouse button the standard popup menu appears with it "copy, paste, ..." items. How can I prevent this? Has anyone a idea?


PS: I have crawled the internet since three days without success for a simple solution. The Problem is that I have not the source code of this third pary control to hack the windows message WM_CONTEXTMENU or WM_RMOUSEDOWN.
What controls are they? Is there some documentation available?
You could try to get the Window Handle of the text control and subclass it.
closed account (48bpfSEw)
@Thomas, these are grid-controls from devExpress. How should I access private data name which I don't know to get the handle? It's a bit of mission impossible... ^^

... oh wait a minute, I caught an idea! There is a tools named "WinSpy" which can access directly on any vcl-control, maybe I get so some more information to find a way. thank you!


Indeed, the classname is "TcxCustomInnerTextEdit"!
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There is a tools named "WinSpy"

Do you mean this one?
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