Windows Programming C++ Native/Managed - Book suggestion

Hi Guys,

I would like to improve my knowledge in Windows Programming starting from the beginning to arrive to advance concept.

What is the best book\s about Windows Native/Managed Programming in C++ ?

Thank you in advance.

For Managed Programming in C++ I used Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform
by Stephen R.G. Fraser

Though it's a bit old it's still a good choice for a beginner.

For Native Windows Programming I used Programming Windows By Charles Petzold.
Also quite old it's a good starting point.
The availability and pricing of Petzold's classic book varies from day to day almost. I see new copies are available starting at $146!

I'm pretty sure his programs that were on the CD with the book are still available at Petzold's website. At least they were couple years ago! I'm just mentioning this in case someone were to end up with a used book missing the CD.
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