C++ Print Button...

I am making a simple web browser, and would like to have a print button, so users can print something on the web page. I have a little strip menu, like, File, Edit, yada yada yada... lol. How do I make a print button? I mean, I already have the button, what do I put inside it to make it pop up a print dialog to print with...
If you are using MFCs, take a look at:
Ummm. I don't think that's what I am looking for. I want it to be sort of like how Internet Explorer has the "Menu Bar", where it says File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, Help. And under File, is all the Print stuff... I already have a button for the print function. How do I make it so that little print window pops up when you click the print button?
Err, well, you realize that it needs more than just displaying a print dialog to actually print something, right ?
Well, anyway, to answer your question (and if you are using MFCs), take a look at CPrintDialog:
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