Need some assistance in programming some basic stuffs

Hi i jus got a project from my school and i got totally lost ... can anyone help me on how to do this project? probably a flow chart and some codings will help me alot... thanks

Objective : Write an online Movie Treats Redemption System in C
1. Online Movie Treats Redemption System
You are to develop an online Movie Treats Redemption System for the XYZ Polytechnic.
500 Movie Treats Redemption Points are given to 5 students each day. These redemption
points can be used to redeem free movie tickets, popcorn packs and/or drinks at the ABC
Your program should perform the following tasks :
(a) Display a menu system as follows :-
 If choice is A, perform input function (see section 2)
 If choice is B, perform redemption status check (see section 3)
 If choice is C, display successful redemptions for the day (see section 4)
 If choice is D, quit the system (see section 5)
(b) Create your own screen design or use this design as follows:
(A) Input Redemption Choices
(B) Redemption Status Check
(C) Display Successful Redemptions
(D) Quit
>> Enter Choice : XX
2. Input Function
Your program should perform the Input Function as follows:- :
(a) Input of Students and their descriptions in the following format
 Admin Number (6 numeric characters)
 Date of Birth (valid range : DDMMYY)
 Year of Study (1 numeric character)
 Number of Movie Tickets (valid range : 0 - 32768)
 Number of Popcorn Packs (valid range : 0 - 32768)
 Number of Drinks (valid range : 0 - 32768)
When 5 successful redemptions are made, the system will not accept other inputs. The
system will display a message similar to the following:
Please try again tomorrow. Thank you.

3. Redemption Status Check
Your program should perform the following tasks:
(a) Prompt the user for their Admin Number.
(Assume that the student will not check their status if they did not make their redemption choice.)
(b) Compute the amount of redemption points required.
The redemption points required for each item is tabulated below:
Redemption Item
Redemption Points Required
1 Movie Ticket 125
1 Popcorn Pack 7
1 Drink 50
(c) Redemption Status
If the points required is lesser than 500, the redemption status is successful. The details will be stored into the system. The system will then display the details similar to the following:
Redemption Status : Successful
Admin Number : xxxxxx
Date of Birth : xxxxxx
Year of Study : x
Number of Movie Tickets : x
Number of Popcorn Packs : x
Number of Drinks : x
Redemption Points Used : xxx
If the points required is more than 500, the redemption status is unsuccessful. The details will be cleared from the system. The system will display a message similar to the following:
Redemption Status : Unsuccessful

4. Display Successful Redemptions
 Your program should display all the successful redemptions for the day. (Maximum 5 successful redemptions per day.)
 Create your own output screen design or simply display the score of the user on screen similar to the following:
Admin No. Tickets Popcorn Drinks Points
123456 2 1 1 375
789123 3 0 2 475
5. Quit
The system is not required to store any data once the program is stopped.
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