Can someone give me a base to start off...?

as im going to make a simple rendering header to render simple stuff (because i believe opengl is too complex for my needs... (and i want to learn some Win32))
i need a base to start off...

it doesnt need to be working, just so that i can figure out what each block of code doeas so i can use it.

it should have:
-The most simplest and usual code to create a simple main window. (ill put it in a function) (it should be working window so the buttons work)
-A Function to fill the window with a bitmap.

and if you can could you include the message loop stuff in it too (ill move those in the sopurce file so put them separate please)

im pretty sure i wont get any of these or just some, but i still posted as the tutorials ive seen are made on like year 1990 so im not sure if they contain old information.
You can try the sourcecode examples of this website:
i already did read about half of some tutorial i found, but im not going to read more after some coding or all the examples will be too hard to understand... ill try to find a good one written for c++ as the one i tried didnt compile ;C

*gets bored*

Ill try just finding small bits of code and try get them work. its pretty hard as anything with "Win32" on it means its written about 10 or more years ago >.> if i cant get it work ill find source code of a working program and copypaste it from there
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There are a couple things you don't understand radioactive. The Win32 Api isn't something that changes on a daily basis like just about everything else having to do with computers. In other words, the way it was yesterday works fine, as does the way it worked last month, last year, and last decade. Its everything else that changes on nearly a daily basis such as the class frameworks built on top of it. So what I'm saying is that if you have some good information that is ten years old, there is likely a lot you could learn from it.

Most folks (or at least a lot) who learn Win32 GUI programming learn from Charles Petzold's book "Programming Windows" and the last edition of that book was publised around Win98/2000 times (about 10 years ago).

Recently I looked at the Forger's Tutorial on Win32 and that struck me as pretty good. Also, I have some tutorials here...

Starting at Program Example 37 is where the GUI stuff starts. However, I'd recommend you supplement whatever tutorials you use with Petzold's book.

The whole reason I use the Win32 Api is because it changes so slowly and is stable. If you are young and just starting out perhaps you don't mind sinking large amounts of time learning difficult things whose useful life expectancy is measured in months, but at my point in the game I like to be able to use the things that I learn for a pretty long time.

I chose it because for some reason i must do stuff as much myself as i can... so i must make my wn rendering header >.> ive got a working window creator copypasted there (i made it 50% myself wich means i changed name of a few variables)

actually id want to build my own computer because i want a byte to be 10 bits instead of 8. i could store a bigger number there...

I hate how i need to learn win32 in order to do a simple game... it would be ready already wityhout the need...
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Radioactive wrote:
actually id want to build my own computer because i want a byte to be 10 bits instead of 8. i could store a bigger number there...

Don´t get me wrong, please... but... rofl rofl rofl xD... wtf?... why?^^...

Don´t get me wrong, please... but... rofl rofl rofl xD... wtf?... why?^^...

My sentiments exactly.
is it possible to make a array, put the RGBA things in each section, draw on it, and then display it on a screen...
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it would be easier to learn win32 if someone would explain what the variables mean... im not going to remember something called "lvrsmntBLABLABLA" >.>
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