Display number

1)Can anyone tell me other than textout do we have anyother function to display the number in client area;
2) what is the use of itoa()
3)What is the use of GetStockobject,Select object
Please explain me this with win32.
Advance thanks..

1)Can anyone tell me other than textout do we have anyother function to display the number in client area;


2) what is the use of itoa()

Write/convert an integer in binary format to an asci string buffer so it can be output to your client area with Textout/DrawText.

3)What is the use of GetStockobject,Select object

Look them up in your Win32 book, i.e., Petzold, Newcommer & Rector, etc, or on MSDN. Or, just look at my example program in this very recent post...

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You can also place a control there, such as a text field, and use SetDlgItemInt()
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