Downloading Visual Studio Help Documents for C++

is there an ISO file that includes every help document related to C++? (Only C++)
so I don't have to refer to MSDN Library again 'n' again 'n' again ....

I have the 2012 version (2.7 GB) but it doesn't have anything about WINAPI functions and etc. and yes I installed all the packages in it.

I can't download the help documents directly with the built-in Help Viewer
(30-35 Kb/s as download speed)

LONG STORY SHORT: is there an ISO file made ONLY for C++ programmers,so we don't have to refer to MSDN Library? and if not is there a ISO file that has 2015's Library?
I recall seeing this...

There isn't a day goes by that I'm not tremendously thankful that I don't suffer from the affliction that seems to beleaguer all other programmers other than myself, and that affliction is an overpowering need to have the latest and greatest and most recent of cutting edge software. I'm still using my VS 2008, and that came with help covering all the Win Api functions. Back in the good 'ole days of VS 98, one received a disk with all the MSDN help on it. I still use that too.
Unfortunately using Help Viewer is the official way now, however you can choose "Online help" to get the MSDN page instead of downloading it on your computer.
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