How do I make OLE items non-openable?

How do I make OLE items non-openable?

In other words, if an OLE item is pasted into Wordpad, how do I make it such that double clicking on that item does nothing and does not run any OLE functionality?

Failing that, how do I make it such that it is not possible to paste the item into Wordpad in the first place?

Many Thanks!
I don't think I understand.

You want to make an OLE component that forbids itself being used as an OLE component?

I know it sounds strange but basically I'm trying to put in a quick cheap fix to some code.

Other problems occur if the OLE item is opened, so I just want to stop this being possible in the first place. Just want to stop the ability of opening the OLE item in another App like Worpad.

Any ideas how I can easily do this?

Or alternatively stop the ability to of it being pasted in the first place.
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