Switch application content?

I am trying to make "quiz application", it should contain a progress bar and confirm button, some radio buttons and label text for different qustions questions.

For example where is main window of application, and on the bottom of application is progress bar, and above is some witch contains above that contains radioButtons and labelText. What is the best way to switch between quiz questions?

Maybe after the button is pressed, application should change text of all radioButtons and labelText for next question, or every question have its own panel that's being switched after button is clicked?

Please write your opinion, and how do you think switching should work? And how is possible to change content on panel?
and above is some witch contains above that contains radioButtons and labelText.

sorry for my sentences, I mean that above progress bar is frame or panel witch contains labeltext and radio buttons.
switching between quiz contents:

do you mean showing wether the answer was right or wrong?
or do you mean switching another old and new questions?
or do you mean another type of quiz? ( maybe switch from one simple question-answer stuff to some drawings etc?)
Yes switching another old and new questions, after button is clicked show new question and new answers.
Change the text of the existing label / radio buttons.

In WinAPI this is done with SetWindowText.
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