new in visual c++

Dec 29, 2009 at 5:11pm
Hello I am rather new in visual c++ and I learned to code but I didn't find in any book how to ad an interface to my program. So please tell give me some references where from I could learn how to add a proper interface in visual c++.
Dec 29, 2009 at 5:14pm
You mean with WinAPI? If so a famous book is "Programming Windows" by Petzold
Dec 29, 2009 at 5:22pm
Jan 12, 2010 at 2:37pm
yeah, I'm new too in C++ winapp (windows applications, shorts, made by my self :D) I've dowloaded Ivor Horton's book (for begginers) is that book good enough?
Jan 12, 2010 at 3:50pm
you downloaded it?^^---
Jan 13, 2010 at 1:33am
I have Ivor Horton's "Beginning Visual C++ 6". The 1st chapters are excellent. His three chapters on classes are the best I've seen so far. However, I was never able to get through the last two thirds of that massive book because its all MFC and I'm not quite smart enough to learn MFC. So I became a Windows Api coder ( Win32 ) instead. That's way, way easier, IMHO. That's why the above suggestion to get Petzold's book is a good one. However, you've got to realize that Petzold's estimate of the time it would take to master Win32 Sdk style Api coding of GUIs in Windows is six months. And that six months was based on someone already being a professional or very competant C coder of console mode programs. So if you are starting from scratch or zero programming experience figure 6 months to a year of hard console mode C/C++ coding, another six months Win32 coding ala Petzold, and according to AncientDragon over at Daniweb, another year to master MFC because with MFC you not only have all the complexities of Win32 that you need to understand, but also the extension of that with all the complexities of a class framework as a wrapper on top of it. Of course, if by some chance you are a genius, it will come a lot faster.
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