Help is needed in WindowsForm VC++
I have been trying to get the number of ")" occurred in a system^ string, but keep getting errors.
the problem i'm trying to solve is:
"how many time does ( or ) is occurring in an expression"
tell me the faults in my code
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private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^expr = textBox1->Text;
int count = 0;
int length1 = textBox1->TextLength;
int i = 0, b=-1;
while (length1){
if ( expr->IndexOf("(")>b || expr->IndexOf(")")>b)
textBox2->Text = System::Convert::ToString(count);
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is never modified in your while loop, hence you have an infinite loop.
You might break;
in the else case.
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