Formatting a drive

Hi, I was wondering what are the other options besides shformatdrive() that can be used to format a disk. And is there one that can format the disk without user interaction and has no need for a UI?. Thanks.
sounds dangerous to me. No user interaction. Kinda Fishy
I'm trying creating a program which allows the user to automatically select a drive and format it as a fat32 filesystem and then include some security programs in it, so i would want it to be as simple as possible for the user, therefore the need for 'no user interaction'.
Use Win32 Format apis (see Win32 grp ttp://
for classic code...)
Thanks for the reply. I've looked through the group and MSDN and I can't really seem to to understand the codes. Are there any other examples that are easier to understand out there?
Hmm, I tried system(format x:) but it seems that the user still need to press a key before it formats.
as far as i am remembering it from my post earlier in this thread, it is a safety mecahnism, so that you won´t be able to do some evil malware, that will format the victims´ machine:P...
i think i found what u were searching for...

go back to the msdn and read some of the ioctls...

but always keep in mind:
dont ever try to harm others with ur soft/male/good-ware...
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Ok thanks for the help, I'll go take a look at msdn again.
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