Need To Crawl Before You Can Walk

I have just completed my second(advanced) C++ book and am using MS Visual C++ 08 Express Addition for my compiler.

My primary goal at this point in time is to develop programs that are Windows based and take advantage of the MFC, ATL, and .NET capabilities but understand that there is a great deal of "foundation" in the Win32 API.

I am one of those people who really needs to get to the "nuts & bolts" of derived or "wrapped" classes for my own knowledge and learning experience.

My question is:
How advantageous would it be to read a book such as Programming Windows, Fifth Addition by Charles P. to learn the bases of all windows programming?


Should I just start with the MFC book?

NOTE: I do understand that Windows API is C based.

Happy compiling!!

Mikes ;)

Petzold is the way I learned Windows Api coding and I like his books. What has worked best for me over the years is to compile my programs as C++ programs, but to use basic Sdk style of coding my GUI functionality. I just use classes and other C++ idioms for 'business objects'. I learned Sdk style before attempting Mfc, and when I finally started teaching myself Mfc I really didn't like it. Might be just me; maybe I'm too dumb; Others certainly like it. Lately I've started playing around with C+/Cli. So far it has maintained my interest. In any case, if you are good at getting stuff from books (sounds like you are), Petzold would be a good idea.
If you want to learn the nuts and bolts of Windows programmin, Petzold's book is THE Bible.

Also, based on your wording above, it soulds to me like you've got it backwards. That is, Win32 API is closer to the hardward than MFC, ATL, etc. In other words, Win32 API is the nuts and bolts compared to the others.

And as I said, if you're going to program Win32 API, Petzold's book is an absolute must, especially for someone who is not too familiar with Windows programming.
Win32 API is closer to the hardward than MFC
MFC is simply a C++ wrapper of WinAPI
Thanks for the info, API here I come.

I hope to someday be an insightful addition to this website. I love the layout and fast blog responses!

Happy holidays!!

Mikes ;)
If you get Charles Petzold's book used, I'd try to get one with the CD. I've piles of computer books, but I do believe his might be the largest and heaviest I have. It has a large number of programs in it and some of them are quite large. I know I wouldn't want to type them in.
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