Best way to get debug info why app is crashing on users computers

Hi All,

I'm having trouble with a Windows app I've made that works perfectly on the computers I've tested it on, but one of my users is struggling with random crashes.

I was thinking of just making my own log that continuously tracks whereabouts in the code each thread is, so the user could just send me the log file and I could see whereabouts the problem was occurring by where the log ends.

But I realised there must be something I can add to the release that would let me get a proper stack trace or something. Is that possible, and can anyone point me in the right direction?

I'm using codeblocks/mingw

There are libraries and things available for stack traces, here's a bit of code someone wrote you could adapt to your purposes.

Interestingly, that is one thing I love about mobile development, stack traces, line numbers, all the information you need is right at your fingertips.
Thanks for the response! This looks like what I need.

What I'm thinking I'd need to do is register a signal handler to catch the crash, then inside that handler use this library to get the stack trace. Would that be correct?
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