Websites from C++

Hi I want to learn how to get the html code of a webpage through c++ without using mfc and with using winsock(obviously, isn't it?).Getting the pure html code is easy but how can I get a page which I can only see after logging in?With vb6 that was easy, there is a winsock control and you can edit the username and password variables of it, but with c++ I cant figure it out, can you help me? Thanks..
You will have to construct an HTTP class that can generate the HTTP calls to send to the webserver to log you in. The you will be able to access the page and get the code.

I would do some studying up on the HTTP protocol.
before studying the http protocol; I noticed that I didnt want a normal authentication but I want a authentication like forums or hotmail.I'm trying to do a hotmail application that allows me to send receive emails and see contacts.Can this be done with http protocol?

This is simply changing the request you make.

GET / HTTP/1.0
This will get the root directory

GET /login.php?username=bob&password=bob HTTP/1.0
This appends parameters to the page request. This is how an HTTP form works.

Some reason it cuts the end off. It's HTTP/1.0
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