Learning NET

So far I've written applications only in C/C++ straight Win32 API. If I want to program in NET, it seems that I should learn C#.

The question is, is there any advantage to programming NET if I already know C/C++ Win32 API?
Not really, I suggest you keeping to C/C++
There is a market for .NET/C# developers despite the failings listed above.

If potential employer needs the skill and you're prepared to do it, then yes.
I say learn what you can in all areas, because it's a good idea to have a broad range of knowledge everywhere. Yes, if you need .NET because of your employer, then you'll need to know it. I think Win32 API is also good. Win32 API appears to take time to learn, but I may try and learn it so I have the skill for if/when I do need it.
Thanks for the answers. I don't need it for employment purposes. I simply want to write programs for Windows, and to do so in the most efficient way possible. From all I can gather, it seems C/C++ Win32 API is the best way, especially since it's lower level and certainly less overhead than managed code.
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