stupid question to most people. What language is .NET? is it c#

i have written a program in c++ console app in MS visual c++ 2008. I do not have a clue how to transfer it into windows form.
Check out Qt. It defines a lot of libraries to do this stuff.

Correct me if i'm wrong but I think '.NET' exists of the following languages: C++, C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, J#
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jcylam wrote:
What language is .NET? is it c#

Simple answer, .net is a framework not a language.

The two main components of the framework are
+ a code-execution environment, the common language runtime (CLR)
+ Framework class library

The CLR requires that executable code conforms to Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification. Languages such as C#, C++/CLI (not to be confused with C++) and produce CLI code, this is then just-in-time compiler at run time by the CLR.

If you are learning C++ and want to carry on leaning C++, doing Windows form programming will just be a distraction, You will have to learn C++/CLI or C# for .net (AKA managed) programming.

So if you want to learn Windows Programming with .net, switch to C#.
If you want to learn C++, avoid .net and stick to native Windows API programming

i currently have a console c++ application and want to convert it so its not a console app. so was wondering what is .NET.

So far I've written applications only in C/C++ straight Win32 API. If I want to program in NET, it seems that I should learn C#.

The question is, however, is there any advantage to programming NET if I already know C/C++ Win32 API?
Lamblion: Yes, if you use C++/CLI you get to use .NET forms for easy gui creation and use native code for high performance algorithms.
Okay, thanks.
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