how to execute a program?

I found a function in Win32 API: CreateProcess(). It does the thing what I want. But I wonder is there any other way to do this (just opening a program with command line arguments). Not with <windows.h>. ??
with system you can call any command.
- See to know why you shouldn't use it -
Thanks for both.
iirc you can also use ShellExecute to launch another program. But it's been forever since I've looked at that function.
But ShellExecute is a win32 program and does more then launching programs. It can open files with associated program. I understand from MSDN... didn't use yet.
oh whoops. I didn't see that you said you didn't want to use windows.h.

My mistake!
"Not with <windows.h>. "
has no sense under Windows.
There are a dozen of methods to launch exe, which call at end Native Win32 apis (Nt*)
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